How to cancel a Premium subscription

To cancel your Premium subscription, you need to follow the steps directly on your device. This process must be done manually on both Apple and Android devices. Here’s how:

On Apple devices:

1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.

2. Tap your name at the top to access your Apple ID settings.

3. Select “Subscriptions”.

4. Find and tap the subscription you want to cancel.

5. Tap “Cancel Subscription”.

6. Confirm the cancellation.

On Android devices:

1. Open the Google Play Store on your Android device.

2. Tap the profile icon at the top right.

3. Select “Payments and Subscriptions”, then tap “Subscriptions”.

4. Find and tap the subscription you want to cancel.

5. Tap “Cancel Subscription”.

6. Follow the instructions to confirm the cancellation.

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